Days of inspiration

The last couple of days were pretty amazing. I received so much positive energy and inspiration from people that I didn't even know. It's strange that this happened in a place I would never expect: in Dubai.
So it happened that I spent my last 3 days in these concrete jungle called Dubai. I've never wrote anything about the city here in my blog because of the simple reason I don't like it that much as a place to live. 

There are two types of people living in Dubai: the ones that adore it and the ones that hate it. I can't say I belong to any of those groups. I'm just... well, avoiding it. So most of the time when I'm not travelling the world as part of my job I'm planning my little escapes from Dubai. 

It happened that this month I was rewarded with many days off so even with these small escapes I had to stay in Dubai. In a city with an average temperature of 35 degrees and extreme humidity you don't have much choice in the summer. You either work out in the gym or you go party with friends. Or... you meet strangers. 

In that particular case  Couchsurfing turned out to be again my little escape. So I met two couchsurfers that definitely refreshed my mind. A guy that has travelled endless number of countries on a motorcycle and another couchsurfer who is actually cabin crew as me but definitely knows how to utilize his free time  - participating in startups, doing his MBA while flying and planning (successfully) to start a brand new life pretty soon. He is from those kind of people that don't fit the frame of the cabin crew lifestyle. 

The last 3 days, over countless number of beers in the small hours in different bars in Dubai I definitely felt that meeting people enriches you as much as travel does. Sometimes you don't have to move from your chair to get inspired. 

My biggest passion has always been writing. I love expressing my thoughts and emotions on small flying papers, journals, to "dance" with my keyboard and write these looong stories about my trips in between packing and unpacking suitcases. 

But I'm also very good at finding excuses (like most people do) so I'm not very active and often have to admit even lazy so I don't post as much as I want. Yesterday I talked a lot about my passion for writing and here's what I promised myself: I will be more active in my blog. 

I realized sometimes I wait for too long before posting a story and I have this problem that if I don't do it straight after the trip after that I loose the emotion and the words that I write seem empty and senseless. 

There is another small obstacle - I'm not a native English speaker but I've just started trying to write in English. Sometimes I find it difficult to express my thoughts in the most beautifully and accurate way when I have to do this in a language different than Bulgarian. 

But I know that my biggest enemy is just the laziness. So how to fight laziness? The answer is pretty simple: you need an inspiration! You need to be extremely motivated and to have this hunger to do the things you love. 

Nothing new under the sun -  you will say. 
That simple philosophy has been summarized even by Walt Disney: 
"If you can dream it, you can do it." 

My inspiration has always been travelling. But often I'm so focused on  places that I want to write about so I skip all the other things that are the essential part of travelling - people, books, food, movies, quotes. So yesterday I gave myself a promise: I will write more often for the things that inspire me to inspire you! :)

"If you can dream it, you can do it." 


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